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Time to Focus

You know that feeling when you're in the zone? You're completely immersed in the task that you are doing and you are getting more done than ever. This is known as a flow state. 


To enter a flow state you first need to be able to focus on one task for a set period of time.​ However, the modern world that we live in is full of distractions and getting more focus is harder than ever.


That is why we have created a formula that will help you to create a flow state when you need it the most.


The Benefits


Helps the body to produce acetylcholine, the precursor to focus. 


Various cognitive benefits, including improved memory


Increased Alpha brain wave activity that promotes creativity


Get in the optimal state for productivity

The Situations

There are times when we need to focus on a single task for an extended period of time. It could be writing a document or important email or create a spreadsheet in excel. At other times we need to sit down and learn something new or create a plan for the month ahead. What all these situations has in common is the need to focus in order to get it done in the best and most productive way possible. 


Nootropic is a class of dietary supplement that helps support certain brain functions, including memory, mental speed, and focus

Focus Blend



Helps the body to produce acetylcholine, the precursor to focus.

Huperzia Serrata.jpg

Huperzia Serrata

Helps to stop the breakdown of acetylcholine.


Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa monnieri has been shown to improve memory recall and speed of information processing

Flow Blend



L-theanine can help improve attention and focus by increasing alpha brain waves


L -Tyrosine

Helps the body to produce dopamine and norepinephrine, which are key ingredients for a Flow state.



Various cognitive benefits, including improving memory, attention, and mental clarity

How It Works

Getting into a peak state when you need it is a game of neurochemistry. We want to find the optimal mix of neurotransmitters and brain wave frequency in a given situation. Supplements can help to create this peak state when you need it with nootropics that supports cognitive functions.

The optimal state for productivity is a flow state where we are fully immersed in the task we are working on. To trigger a flow state we first need to be fully focused. It also requires a cocktail of neurotransmitters, especially dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, which you can all get from the Peak Hour Productivity blend.

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Upgrade Yourself

Order today and you will be prepared for the next upcoming presentation or important meeting.

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