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Time to Perform

It could seem unfair that during key moments in our careers, our biology decides to be the least helpful. 

Our voice gets strained when it's our turn to speak up in an important meeting and our minds goes blank even when we know the answer and the perfect idea pops up when we leave the meeting room

Our unique formula of natural supplements helps your mind to stay calm under stressful situations and at the same time boost your creativity.


The Benefits


Increased Alpha brain wave activity that promotes creativity

Reduce Anxiety

Stimulates the release of dopamine and serotonin

Memory and Focus

Enhanced cognitive performance

Calm and Alert

Get in the optimal state for performance

The Situations

Our body and mind were not designed for the environment that we are facing today and often reacts incorrectly to perceived threats. In situations where we want to stay calm and creative our body instead trigger a stress response which optimize our ability to perceive dangers and to run away. This is a fully understandable reaction, but not the most helpful when we sit in a meeting room and it's our turn to speak.


Nootropic is a class of dietary supplement that helps support certain brain functions, including memory, mental speed, and focus



Benefits cognitive functioning


Bacopa Monnieri

Helps prevent the chemical and physical effects of stress



Increases Alpha brain wave activity



Stimulates the Central Nervous System



Elevates mental capabilities & negates ‘crashing’ effect of caffeine 



Improves mental alertness

How It Works

Getting into a peak state when you need it is a game of neurochemistry. We want to find the optimal mix of neurotransmitters and brain wave frequency in a given situation. Supplements can help to create this peak state when you need it with nootropics that supports cognitive functions.

The optimal state for performance in a business enviroment is a state we like to call Calm and Creative. This is a combination of Alpha brain waves which supports creativity together with neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin which create a feeling of calm and confidence.

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Upgrade Yourself

Order today and you will be prepared for the next upcoming presentation or important meeting.

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