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Time to get Motivated

Energy is a key factor in motivation. Although you may think that the amount of energy you have is based solely on how much sleep and food you've had, it's actually determined by your body's ability to produce energy. 

Our bodies have evolved over time to maximize efficiencies and conserve energy whenever possible; which means that if we're feeling tired or low on energy (and thus not motivated), then our minds will tell us that there isn't any need for us to proceed with whatever task we've been trying to accomplish anyway!

In terms of drive: The combination of both motivation AND energy drives people forward towards achieving their goals and dreams.


The Benefits


Get a quick energy boost but also more energy over time from increased mitochondria


Motivation is predominantly caused by the neurotransmitter dopamine which can boosted through nootropic supplements


Drive is a feeling of motivation and urgency. It's a feeling of desire and wanting to do something, being willing to work for something


Momentum is the key side effect from an initial dose of momentum. A small win leads to further wins which creates momentum towards your goal.

The Situations

There are times when we are low on energy and unmotivated and are struggling to get going with the tasks we know we are supposed to do. But instead of get going, we scroll social media or browse the internet as a distraction (which actually makes us less motivated). These are the times we wish there was an easy way to get motivated again and get momentum, and that is exactly what you will get from our Energy formula.


Nootropic is a class of dietary supplement that helps support certain brain functions, including memory, mental speed, and focus



 L-carnitine is used by the body to transport fatty acids into the mitochondria, the energy-producing part of cells



Magnesium is involved in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary source of energy for the body.


Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is an essential component of the process that produces energy within cells


Pyrroloquinoline Quinone

PQQ may help to improve energy production by enhancing the function of mitochondria and improve cognitive function and memory.

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R-Lipoic Acid

R-Lipoic Acid helps to improve the function of the mitochondria, the energy-producing part of cells.


Black Pepper Extract

Black pepper works as a thermonutrient that raises metabolic rate and body heat,

How It Works

Getting into a peak state when you need it is a game of neurochemistry. We want to find the optimal mix of neurotransmitters and brain wave frequency in a given situation. Supplements can help to create this peak state when you need it with nootropics that supports cognitive functions.

When it comes to motivation vs. procrastination the name of the game is momentum. When we spend time on our phones scrolling social media we are depleting our levels of dopamine. Peak Hour Energy blend will help your body to produce energy to get you going again, and at the same time produce the neurotransmitters required for motivation, including Dopamine and Norepinephrine. 

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Upgrade Yourself

Order today and you will be prepared for the next upcoming presentation or important meeting.

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